byeeee paris!
[note type="flat"]my trip to Paris has ended! I have to say it was an amazing experience, we ate lots, plays alots and drinks alots, and I have to say you must visit the crazy horse at least one time in your life, cause it really gives you a sense of " oh that's the culture different from the place where I was born" and I think that's what really the meaning of travelling, that seeing something new, to experience something that you never thought to do. [/note]
[note type="flat"]me and the Eiffel Tower [/note]
[note type="flat"]Palais Garnier!!! omg, i have never seen something that is so fking glinting!! it's like a palace that made of gold, diamond and stars. [/note]
[note type="flat"]i am sorry but i forgot where do i take this photo.... but it must be in a big art museum, 应该是奥赛博物馆吧,麻英语讲的不好,还是用回中文吧无语了。
[note type="flat"]当时要下飞机的时候,真的一眼放过去都是闪闪发亮的!因为当时我和kelvin是分开去的,所以我当时是一个人坐飞机去的!然后快落地的时候我就看到下面真的好亮,这个图里面有巴黎铁塔哦!快找找看!!見てみて![/note]
[note type="flat"]巴黎圣母院!!我觉得真的去旅游真的会让人长很多见识,我现在想起来当时去过的地方真的感觉不知不觉中就成长了很多!虽然已经忘了很多很多当时的细节,但是现在想起来会觉得,哇自己真的好幸运能有这么好的一个环境,我还有什么好抱怨的呢!!怎么还不好好努力努力,我是真的挺担心我以后工作怎么办的,就像我之前真的很担心说啊怎么办感觉也找不到女朋友,但现在想一想好像也没有这么担心了。ps:kelvin真的拍的很好啊!!![/note]
[note type="flat"]这个是什么高地来着,不记得了,当时想排队进那个教堂的,但是教堂前面排队的人真的已经挤满了,就是横着排排了有七八条吧那种很长的,但是还有更多的人去排,我们就没进去了,就在高地那边逛了一逛,有个小公园,但是一会就被赶出来了,因为说那个公园要关门了,还有那个爱墙,无语了和网上说的不一样的🤣[/note]
[note type="flat"]手机没电了先不写了,也没有什么图片[/note]